Hej och Välkommen till min blogg! Elin heter jag och bor i Uppsala tillsammans med min sambo, Jimmy. Våran lilla familj består av våra två katter Liten och Morran och våra två långhåriga collies Lexie och Blaze samt en död kaktus. Mitt drömjobb är att få jobba som författare på heltid men fram tills den drömmen slår in jobbar jag i en butik på Arlanda. Mitt största fritidsintresse är mina hundar. Vi åker mycket på hundutställningar och tränar lydnad, spår, agility, rallylydnad och vallning. Förutom hundintresset så gillar jag att skriva böcker, kolla på film, gå på bio, träna på gym och umgås med alla mina underbara kompisar. Min blogg handlar om det käraste jag har, mig själv. Mina åsikter, mina upplevelser, min humor och mig. Hoppas ni tycker om den.

Welcome to my Life!

torsdag 10 juni 2010

The storyline behind the video

Så här trodde en snubbe.

If you haven't seen the video- go now. The video is dark, creepy, and edgier than Telephone. The video really is all about the gays. The plot line may seem blurred and confusing, but I assure you it is there. I've watched it three times now and here is what I THINK is the story-line/motive. It begins with Aejandro's coffin being carried, and Lady GaGa has his heart. I believe Alejandro was killed by the gay soldiers for being straight. (Sort of a reversal from reality). Lady GaGa takes over the army and becomes the commander-and-chief of the army. Sort of parallel to Hitler or Joan of Arc. She trains the soldiers, and forces them to be straight. She tries to get revenge on them for killing Alejandro, and tries to force them to love her. However, in the end they revolt and kill her. Now this, is what I believe is the BASIC plot line. However, there is much deeper symbolism.

For one, when the soldiers are training, video clips from what I believe is the stonewall riots is playing in the background. For those who don't know the StoneWall Riots were a turning point in the gay rights movement. It was where the gay community got together and fought back after brutal killings of gays by policeman. It was the first major event of the gay "Revolution" and caused quite a stir. More of this is shown in the end when we see Alejandro while he was alive walking through a burning city.

While one of the gay soldiers is sitting on the bed trying to decide to kill Lady GaGa she puts a black crucifix in her mouth and done her throat symbolizing how religion persecutes the gay lifestyle and shoves their beliefs done their throats. In the end Lady GaGa dies a painful death for persecuting the gays and the soldier sitting by her bed is able to finally come out and be himself.

Just my theory, but it makes sense. I say she will officially reveal the story-line sometime tomorrow. This video is now my favorite. And it couldn't have come at a better time. The video's main purpose is to condemn the US Army for their policy of

"Don't Ask, Don't Tell". She's saying that gay men are just as powerful and affectionate as straight men. With the recent vote to repeal "DADT" I think the video really fits into modern politics. It's so much more serious and meaningful than her other videos. I give it a 10/10, but of course I would.

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