Hej och Välkommen till min blogg! Elin heter jag och bor i Uppsala tillsammans med min sambo, Jimmy. Våran lilla familj består av våra två katter Liten och Morran och våra två långhåriga collies Lexie och Blaze samt en död kaktus. Mitt drömjobb är att få jobba som författare på heltid men fram tills den drömmen slår in jobbar jag i en butik på Arlanda. Mitt största fritidsintresse är mina hundar. Vi åker mycket på hundutställningar och tränar lydnad, spår, agility, rallylydnad och vallning. Förutom hundintresset så gillar jag att skriva böcker, kolla på film, gå på bio, träna på gym och umgås med alla mina underbara kompisar. Min blogg handlar om det käraste jag har, mig själv. Mina åsikter, mina upplevelser, min humor och mig. Hoppas ni tycker om den.

Welcome to my Life!

torsdag 18 februari 2010

Dog training

Yesterday me and Charlie went to Gottsunda to meet our new training partners Kajsa and Enna. Kajsa is a rly nice girl and very helpful and good with dogs. She knew so much! I almost felt like she was my trainer not training partner. Haha. Kajsa has a german shepherd (Schäfer) called Enna and she is 2 years old and a non-stop-energy dog. She was really all over the place and kinda funny to watch. We practiced alot of different things like getting contact with your dog while theres others around you, calling your dog from a distans and make it run straight to you and pass another dog on the way, and we also laid them down a few meters apart and told em to stay and then we walked across the field and stopped and just waited. The last one is something you do on a competition. Then the dogs lay 5 meters apart and you walk 20 meters away from them and the dog have to stay where you left it for 2 minutes and look at you the whole time. And your not allowed to talk to the dog or move or anything. Thats kinda cool!
Charlie did really great the whole day. I think Enna gave him some energy and showed him how happy she was when Kajsa encouraged her. And then he wanted to be the same. I was so happy with him that day.
When we got home he fell asleep on the couch and slept for hours. Poor thing. Alot to take in.
While he was sleeping I had a chat with Mikaela (charlies breeder) and told her all about the training and stuff. And we also talked about the dog shows this spring and I signed us up for a dog show in Stockholm in April. That will be our third dog show this far and I hope it will go better then last time when he was that scarred. He doesnt like being indoors. But I think I'll go to Arlanda or something and practice some day. Ur allowed to take your dog inside there and we can run around a whole day. Might look funny but I rly need to train my dog.

But even if we dont win everything in the world I still have the best dog in the world!

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