Hej och Välkommen till min blogg! Elin heter jag och bor i Uppsala tillsammans med min sambo, Jimmy. Våran lilla familj består av våra två katter Liten och Morran och våra två långhåriga collies Lexie och Blaze samt en död kaktus. Mitt drömjobb är att få jobba som författare på heltid men fram tills den drömmen slår in jobbar jag i en butik på Arlanda. Mitt största fritidsintresse är mina hundar. Vi åker mycket på hundutställningar och tränar lydnad, spår, agility, rallylydnad och vallning. Förutom hundintresset så gillar jag att skriva böcker, kolla på film, gå på bio, träna på gym och umgås med alla mina underbara kompisar. Min blogg handlar om det käraste jag har, mig själv. Mina åsikter, mina upplevelser, min humor och mig. Hoppas ni tycker om den.

Welcome to my Life!

söndag 14 februari 2010

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Here we are again. The Love/Hate day. Before I met Jimmy this was 100% hate day because its a day for couples. I still dont like it and im not going to celebrate it like christmas because I feel so sorry for everyone that yet has'nt found their other half. I spent all my Valentine's Days alone and heard the other girls in my class or in my basketball team talk about what their BFs were going to do for them etc etc. And I never had a BF so I just sat there and dreamed about having someone who did that for me. And this is what I think about this day. All thoose poor people who spends this day alone.
I wonder how many that sits at home and cries, feels depressed or even thinks about suicide. There might even be people who commit suicide on this day. And I dont think thats something to celebrate.
Yes sure you can give love to others if you dont have a partner but thats not what this day is all about. This is a day for couples not singles.

Im happy for everyone who have found their other half and are happy in their relationship.
And im praying that everyone person out there finds another wandering soul who is looking for someone to love.

Love to everyone!

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