Hej och Välkommen till min blogg! Elin heter jag och bor i Uppsala tillsammans med min sambo, Jimmy. Våran lilla familj består av våra två katter Liten och Morran och våra två långhåriga collies Lexie och Blaze samt en död kaktus. Mitt drömjobb är att få jobba som författare på heltid men fram tills den drömmen slår in jobbar jag i en butik på Arlanda. Mitt största fritidsintresse är mina hundar. Vi åker mycket på hundutställningar och tränar lydnad, spår, agility, rallylydnad och vallning. Förutom hundintresset så gillar jag att skriva böcker, kolla på film, gå på bio, träna på gym och umgås med alla mina underbara kompisar. Min blogg handlar om det käraste jag har, mig själv. Mina åsikter, mina upplevelser, min humor och mig. Hoppas ni tycker om den.

Welcome to my Life!

måndag 15 februari 2010


Raid Night Tonight!

Im such a nerd. Im all excited about the raid tonight. Haha silly Zatine thats me. Ok, lemme tell you something about my lovely fave game World of Warcraft!
My character is a Blood Elf named Zatine and she is a paladin (The Holy Lights Warrior) in level 80 (highest lvl) and she is smokin hot, Just like me, and she is my main character. And I love her so much coz she is very beautiful and cool and I can do alot of cool stuff when im playing that char and I love it. And she has the best horse in the whole world.
Anyway in wow im a very important piece of a guild. Mhm they cant do a shit without miss Gaga Zatine and they know it. Haha. A guild is like a basketball team, kinda. Its a group of ppl doing stuff together. Lovely it is!
The guild im in are doing raids a few days a week. A raid is when 10 - 40 players go together to spank the hard bosses of the world of wowlol and hopefully we get epix. Epix is life. Epix is the name of good clothes and weapons and stuff for your character. And I have many, oh yeah ,and im kinda imba and I love epix.
This is getting a bit messy but what I wanted to say is that tonight its one of our raid nights and I can go and im so happy coz I rly love to raid (unless we go Ulduar) and I love being silly on ventrilo. Its funneh!
Last week we did pretty good in the new raid instance Ice crown citadel (ICC) and I got new shiny epic shoes to my paladin. And today we will continue in that instance. So tonight I will sit at the computer for hours with my headset on me and focus on killing angry creatures. Or no, im a healer so my job is to keep everyone alive. ^^ wee!

Anyway enough of the nerdyness.
gtg now and take a showah before dinner.


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